Make Sure Your Home Is Easy To Show! | Royce Realty & Property Management

Make Sure Your Home Is Easy To Show!



To get your San Diego home sold quickly, it is important that other agents in the San Diego area show it to as many potential buyers as possible. The first thing a good real estate agent will do when working with home buyers is talk to the buyer and learn what kind of San Diego home they are looking for. Then the real estate agent will search all the available San Diego homes for those most closely matching what the home buyer needs and wants. Next, the real estate agent puts together a list of the best matches to go show to that home buyer. When a busy real estate agent is compiling a list of San Diego homes to show a home buyer, the agent will naturally tend to show those houses that are easiest to gain access to first. Many San Diego homes on the market have “lock boxes” on them. The lock box is a device which holds a key to the home that only qualified local real estate agents can access. Homes that are listed as being “lock box, no appointment needed” will get shown more often than homes listed as “agent has key, call for appointment”. Why? Because they are more easily accessible and require less coordination to accomplish the showing. Accessibility is key here, no pun intended, so when possible, you should always let your real estate agent put a lock box on your home for easier showing.

If you can not do a lock box, you need to be sure that you make it as convenient and easy as possible for other San Diego agents to show your home. If they call, do whatever you have to do to accommodate letting them show your home to home buyers on their schedule. If you don’t, the real estate agent will probably show the home buyer other homes, and if that buyer makes an offer on one of them, you have just lost a great opportunity.

It is best if you can leave when the real estate agent and buyer arrive to see your home. Home buyers will not feel comfortable with you there, and it could sour an otherwise good impression of your home.